We're making a few updates to our site. If you have any questions please call us at (310)835-0800.
- Over 75 Years Combined Experience-
Professional Repair, Transport & Training
Professional Repair, Transport & Training
So Cal Equipment is a professional repair, transport and training provider for the construction equipment industry.

Over 75 Years Combined Experience
SoCal Equipment Repair specializes in a complete maintenance & repair solutions for all types of industrial and construction equipment. We have over 75 years of combined experience and an abundance of resources to properly diagnose and service your equipment; thereby, allowing you to focus on your company’s core business and minimizing any unnecessary downtime.
A Reputation with Meaning
We strive to enhance our reputation through all industries within the construction equipment sector and become the preferred supplier of products and services in Southern California. Your equipment will be repaired in an environmentally friendly shop housing the latest equipment required to service today’s complex construction equipment.

To become the single source for all of your equipment repair and maintenance needs. We recognize that our leadership in the industry depends on the ability to respond to the need of our customers. With teamwork and dedication, we are sure that So Cal Equipment will surpass all expectations.
Equipment We Transport and Repair

Get in touch with
any questions
528 East E. St Wilmington, Ca. 90744
Office: 310-835-0800
Fax: 866-536-5242
E-mail: info@socalequipmentrepair.com
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 7 AM- 5 PM
Saturday 8 AM- 5 PM